ウィル・スミスも障がい者だった! 注意欠陥多動性障害(ADHD)で衝動をコントロールすることが困難
ウィラード・キャロル・スミス・ジュニア(Willard Carroll Smith Jr., 1968年9月25日 – )は、アメリカ合衆国の俳優、映画プロデューサー、ラッパー。ラッパーとしては「ザ・フレッシュ・プリンス(The Fresh Prince)」を名乗っていた。ジャンルを問わず出演作が
42キロバイト (3,730 語) – 2022年4月4日 (月) 13:15
Smith has said in the past he suffered from Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), which leads to people having difficulty controlling their impulses. Nava Silton, a professor of psychology at Manhattan Marymount College, said that nevertheless, this is a case where adults have to be responsible for their actions.
“ADHD affects impulse control but should not be used as an excuse, and Will Smith has to know what he is doing at such a large and public event,” said Silton, noting that the actor has been insulted by Ro* at the Oscars before and has shown decorum.