【速報】ホワイトハウス 「NATOとEUパートナーである英国、カナダ、オーストラリア、日本、前例のない連合となるだろう」(CNN)
ホワイトハウス: バイデン大統領は一般教書演説でロシアに対して「前例のない連合」を強調
White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain declined to say Tuesday if US President Joe Biden will announce any “concrete military steps” against Russia at tonight’s State of the Union addressing, telling CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in an interview Biden will highlight, “what he has assembled, which is an unprecedented coalition — NATO plus our EU partners, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan — to do two things: to provide all kinds of aid…and also coming together with unprecedented sanctions against the country as large as Russia.”
2022/3/1 CNN ソース英語 『White House: Biden will highlight “unprecedented coalition” against Russia in State of the Union address』